Existing CDAP Referral Partner?

🚀Currently providing referrals to a CDAP provider and not getting the respect you deserve?

Protect your relationships; and yourself. .

💼 We provide clear referral terms.

🎯 We provide a rapid turnaround from our team of CDAP Digital Advisors.

✅ We produce quality work (backed by proven processes, reviews and experience).

You’ve worked hard to become a “trusted advisor”; work with a company that values your hard work.

Let's explore ways to raise your status as a Trusted Advisor!

Want to learn more? Let's connect! Book a call today.

Why Choose TGL Consulting?

We offer professional advice, guidance, and actionable solutions to businesses looking to secure their grant to digitize their business.

Why work with us?

We have been helping businesses grow and increase profitability for over 20 years!

digital advisors

Helpful Articles

CDAP Frequently asked questions

CDAP FAQs: Unlocking the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) Grant – Your Top CDAP Questions Answered

In an increasingly digital economy, the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP), also known as the “Boost your business technology grant”, offers a lifeline to small businesses. This game-changing initiative provides up to $15,000 in grant funding to enhance digital capabilities and drive growth. Once the CDAP is complete, you may also be eligible for an interest free loan of between $25,000 to $100,000 for 6 years from the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) to implement the technologies that can propel your business forward.

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